
时间:2021-12-27 10:35:41 作者:侨加海运拼箱


有自己专业的报关团队,拥有海关录入专线海关无纸报关系统专线,为企业快速进出口和降低成本及风险打下坚实的基础。What are Duties & Taxes?
A duty is a kind of tax payable to the government, charged on goods and financial transactions.

Customs Duty includes both an Import and Export Duty. Import duty, also known as a tariff, is a tax that the importer has to pay to bring foreign goods into the country.

What’s important to note is that an import duty, unlike a sales duty, varies considerably on a category-by-category basis. A sales duty, on the other hand, to some extent can be standardized.